Kids Say The Darndest Things


When I was a kid, I remember a television show starring Art Linkletter. He had children on and asked them questions about a variety of topics. Their answers, from their perspectives as children, were often quite funny, and sometimes priceless.

In the classroom, every teacher has experienced that time when a student says something memorable. It may be funny or sad or perceptive- it may even be one of those statements that parents would be mortified if they knew what their child said. Regardless, those quotes are often what encourage teachers to say “I could write a book…”

Tales From My Classroom…

Some of my third graders were discussing a school principal’s change in plans concerning retirement. The rumor was that he was treated unfairly. I overheard one of my students, a very sweet little girl, say “Mr. M. just got the shaft”.

A fourth grader was showing me his t-shirt, which was quite interesting, and remarked how his Dad took one look at it before school and said “What the heck is that!”. The student then explained how he changed Dad’s words a little.

A kindergarten child assured me that she was going to work really hard because her meds were working really good!

I was having a discussion about trains and asked if any students had ever been on one. Some students raised their hands and I asked one of them where he went. He told me “I’m right here!”

What do you remember students saying that you will always remember?